South African born Peter Jonas showcased his exhibition ‘ROOTS’ at the South Africa High Commission the past Friday 3rd of December 2021.
In front of South African High Commissioner to the UK Madam Nomatemba Tambo, the inaugural speeches began with a warm welcome by the exhibit coordinators Harry Sardinas and Lily Patrascu of ‘Speakers are Leaders’.
The Chairwoman for the Parliamentary Society for Arts in the UK Rebeca Riofrio, introduced the artist Peter Jonas with a summary of the artist life:

“Peter Jonas studied at Hewat College of Education, a hot-bed of political activity - where he chose to express himself as a creative activist, using his specialisms in Fine Art and Psychology to forge a contemporary Dali-esque style that continues to suffuse his visual vocabulary in paintings, murals, sculpture, and photography today. Since the early 1990’s, HE has brought life to public art projects on a grand scale across three continents, facilitating hundreds of murals: in schools, community centres, hospitals, universities and other public buildings. He continues working with various charity projects locally and internationally. Most notably, for the Parliament of World Religions in 1999, he managed more than 150 people across all ages and backgrounds to create 250 meters mural art, reflecting the spiritual iconography of a country in chaos. The late Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu were among the delegates at this televised event in Cape Town. Two large realistic portraits of the late Nelson and Winnie Mandela are current being exhibited here today.”
This exhibition was the first of a series of global art shows ‘Speakers are Leaders’ company have planned to support creative opportunities in different countries bringing appreciation for culture and diversity.

The night had in attendance several ambassadors, philanthropists, globally recognised artists, filmmakers, fashion models and art aficionados.

The artist’s works can be acquired via his website