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Interview with Dr Gershom Sikaala


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The world is living unprecedented times and people from all over the world are seeking answers above the human understanding. We had an insightful interview with the founder of The Global Charity Initiative, Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations and author Dr Sikaala

1.      Please could you tell us about your background and how it leads to the work you do today?

I was born & raised in Zambia; my father was a politician and an important man in my country. It was he who first instilled the value of helping people in me. I currently live in Los Angeles CA. My journey from Zambia to California is filled with amazing miraculous stories. I earned a Doctorate in Philosophy and Humanity from the University of Virginia, U.S.A. I also have a Doctorate in Biblical Studies. I am passionate about loving and helping people reach their potential. I knew that I wanted to help people at a very young age. It was then, when I began helping transform lives of people I didn’t know.

I am the founder of Global Charity Initiative, a NPO which helps gather and employ resources to help people around. Global Charity’s main focus is to eradicate poverty around the world. Global Charity Initiative is supported by many celebrities and household names in Hollywood. 

I have been to over 80 countries, around the world. My experience is always the same whether I’m in Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, or Africa. I always find treasures in people and help them unlock their destinies. I always and experience amazing testimonies, healings and mindset shift in people.  I am also a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Peace-Building Initiative. Doing humanitarian work, has made it possible for me to partner with likeminded business people, and celebrities from around the world.

Years ago, I founded Zambikes, a company that manufactures bamboo bikes with the purpose of eradicating poverty & creating employment to locals in Zambia, one family at a time.  You can learn more about this business here: I have also been honoured in “Who’s Who” in America's  publication for being the founder of Zambikes and inspiring leaders in the marketplace and the power of innovative thinking  improve lives.  

This passion I have to help people started as just a young boy. I write books that help people spiritually, mentally, physically and financially like Breakthrough thinking Book. We are living in a world where people need hope.

2.     How would you describe your work to someone who hasn't seen it before?

My work revolves around people and enhancing their lives. I help people find their identity, passion, how to live in overall health and wealth by maximizing their potential. 

I run a mentorship program “Hollywood Mastery class”. I have had the opportunity to mentor a number of influential people in Hollywood, including famous A list actors and superstars. I am passionate about helping people become the best version of themselves. Seeing people do better in life is the driving force behind what I do. Through my books, TV channel 

 “Authenticity network” and virtual meetings, I have been able to share the message of hope, love, and healing.  Connecting with people is so important, especially during these challenging times of isolation. Many people have been depressed and in search of hope and joy.

My work produces powerful results in people because of God’s power behind it . I have seen many testimonies of breakthroughs in countless individuals. 

I believe personal change brings family and community change. I am convinced that the only way we can impact society is by impacting one person at a time, and it all starts with kindness. I help people by helping transform their mindsets and thinking patterns. My experience is that real change starts and has to affect the mind before it can affect the heart.

What I do is more than work, I help impact people to do and become better in every area of their lives. 


3.     Who else it’s behind your ministry?

First and foremost, I always have the Holy Spirit behind my ministry and everything that I do in life. I also happen to have a good support system and network of people who care about the things I care about. Some live in Los Angeles, where I live.  Others are spread all over the United States, and the world. 

Additionally, I have an amazing team of people who work with me on a day-to-day basis. They are the ones who make sure that things happen. The people who work with me all have the same mind and purpose and we have achieved some great things including becoming Amazon #1Best Seller in under 24 hours.  

4.    What or who has been the biggest singular influence on your work?  

I have been Blessed to have walked in this life with so many great, wise and outstanding people. Some of them, including my own parents have moved on to eternity. The greatest, singular influence in my life and work is Jesus and my best friend the Holy Spirit. Jesus loved and served people  so well, I always try to live up to his standard in my relationships and work. 

5.     Faith in time of crisis.  Due to Covid, how do you think people and governments are perceiving ‘GOD’?

I strongly believe that it is usually in the hardest situations that human beings tend to know their limitations and look to God. Finding faith in the time of crisis can seem so hard, and yet it is so possible. As a matter of fact, I believe that human beings are more likely to find God in the time of crisis, than any other time. When people feel limited, they tend to be desperate, a time of desperation is usually a time for searching deeper and seeking a higher power.

I strongly believe that many people, governments alike are viewing God as being the only one that can help humanity. But at the same time people are perceiving God as either being distant, unconcerned and unloving. I have news for all the people who are thinking that way, because of their hardships. God is alive, well, caring and very personal. He cares about every nitty gritty detail of our lives. His love for humanity is unfathomable and immense. All we have to do as a people and as individuals is to give him permission to come into our situations and help us. He will come through for everyone who asks, just as he came through for me and the people whose stories appear in my book “Look at God”.

6.    Could you tell us about your latest book and the stories in it?

“Look at God” was written to bring hope to people who feel forgotten and who feel like God is far off. This book is living proof that good things do come out of bad situations. The pandemic did bring about so many bad situations, which overshadowed the good things. I would like to suggest that not everything was bad last year, there were some good things that happened last year.  Suggesting that everything was bad would be very inaccurate. 

If there is anything that the pandemic highlighted, it’s the fact that we as a people are very limited in what we can do. We always need hope, each other and a higher power, working in our lives. The stories in this book are neither fairytales nor fiction. They are real stories and real journeys, from real people who saw God’s intervention in their circumstances. God had intervened in their circumstances and changed their stories, which could have ended up very tragically. All they could say was “Look what God has done” Hence the title of the book “Look at God''

It really doesn’t matter who you are, where you are from and what you’re going through. God can and will come through for you. 

7.     Where people can find more about you and your book?

You can find out more about me by visiting, and you can find the book at  Look at God Book | Dr. Gershom Sikaala. The book was released on Amazon and became a “# 1 Bestseller” in under 24 hours.





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