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Fighting homelessness in the UK - Give young homeless people a future

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London - United Kingdom

Centrepoint Charity Ambassador Stuart Watts, Talk to us about his Experiences with the Charity

I have been an ambassador for Centrepoint Homeless Charity for over 15 years.


“It all started on a cold November evening in 2006, when I agreed to “Sleepout” on the street for the Centrepoint Homeless Charity with a dear friend of mine who was once homeless in his teens. 

As I arrived at the “Sleepout” I didn’t know quite what to expect, all I knew from the moment I arrived was I have to support this charity. I met people from all walks of life; from private education, ex addicts, people who had suffered domestic violence and people who had just fell on hard times.

The next morning, I came away felling truly uplifted, I had actually done something positive and help to make a difference.

Sleeping out for one night was horrible; cold, wet and as I laid in my sleeping bag, I couldn’t stop thinking “how the hell do these people survive on this situation”. 

A week later this really played on my mind so I then made an appointment to meet the fundraiser of the Centrepoint team who were all very passionate but like all charities struggle to raise funds.

Centrepoint was founded 51 years ago. Princess Diana was a patron for many years and after her death Prince William took over his mother legacy

‘Centrepoint Sleepout’ became a part of my life, each year supporting young homeless spreading awareness, introducing new donors and high-profile ambassadors and generally supporting and helping the people in need. 

My aim with Centrepoint and other homeless charities is in the next 5 years to end homelessness forever by raising funds to purchase homes & housing and to build a community within the housing association all over the country 

Covid19 has left astonishing figures; 280,000 are now living on the street in the UK- and it was reported over 900 homeless deaths during lockdown which is one death every 9 hours.

I have met veterans who served for the country all types of people living on the streets recently by stopping feeding them 

I think it’s time for the government to step up and support the system-no one should be homeless in 2021. 

I am hoping after lockdown London, the nation and the world will be a kinder place to live,

I’m all about humanity, unity, community, kindness, education and making a difference - I feel this is the message the government should be focusing from today forward.  

Article by Stuart Watts

For more information on the CENTREPOINT CHARITY



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